
Pi Media
16 Jan 2015
Categories: portfolio, blog
Everyday Champions Centre/Church needed a solution to play slideshows/music/video on screens around the building. The media needed to change at various points during the day, and on different days.
Church App
05 Jan 2015
Categories: portfolio
We needed a way to save our selves hours of time in app development. Although the app itself was built to be reproduced, there was a lot of work to do in getting an ready for submissions. We made a server do it all for us.
Church App
04 Jan 2015
Categories: portfolio
We built a massively reproducible app that works hand-in-hand with the church software we built. Designed to be replicated for each church on the system with custom graphics and theming
Church Software
03 Jan 2015
Categories: portfolio
We built a system to help churches manage their stuff. It ended up being quite big, with lots and lots of parts.
Charity Portal
02 Jan 2015
Categories: portfolio
A simple system that helped a charity collect massive amounts of data about communities for community development programmes.